Frequently Asked Questions

  • For general business or inquiries, contact our President, Frank Coppa.
  • For financial business or inquiries, contact our Treasurer, Kristine Coppa
  • For questions or additions to the newsletter or social media, contact our Secretary, Mitch Weber.
  • For new neighbor information, contact our Welcome Chairperson, Rebecca Pryor
How much are my CNHA dues?

Dues are $110 per year, billed on January 1st, due by January 31st for the ensuing year.

Are dues mandatory?

Yes, dues are mandatory. Failure to pay dues on time will result in late fees, accrued interest and if seriously past due, lien fees. The Home Association exists by virtue of a Declaration which is part of your property’s legal attributes and as such has certain legally enforceable rights including assessment of dues and fees, and enforcement of certain restrictions placed on the use of the property within its boundaries. The Declaration is further supported by a set of By-Laws framed and approved by the Association Members (property owners). These documents are available on the Official Documents page.

What do my dues pay for?

The main services provided by CNHA are winter snow removal for the streets and summer mosquito abatement. In addition, the Association provides neighborhood cleanup dumpsters from time to time, reviews members home maintenance and improvement projects, sponsors a few neighborhood activities and the required Annual Meeting in the Fall.

How is CNHA managed?

The neighborhood association is run by elected Officers and an elected Board of Directors. The Association members (property owners) vote for the leadership team at the CNHA Annual Meeting in the fall of each year. Terms run for one year. The Officers and Board are volunteers who serve without pay or remuneration of any kind. The Board may also form such committees as are deemed useful and necessary for the benefit of the Association.